martes, 3 de marzo de 2009

10 minutes of happyness

Carry this picture for luck
kept in a locket, tucked in your collar close to your chest. Make it a secret shown to the closest friends. Meet me at quarter to seven, the sun will still shine then at this time of year. We'll head to the inlet and we'll share a bottle there. And color the coast with your smile, it's the most genuine thing that i've ever seen. I was so lost, but now I believe. And follow me south of the big docks where they tether the boats the rich men revere. They're so important, they hire our fathers to steer And down to the edge of the water where we'll spill our guts and we'll name our fears, I'll give you this picture keep it and don't be scared. And color the coast with your smile, its the most genuine thing that ive ever seen. I was so lost, but now i believe in the coast, your smile is the most genuine thing that ive ever seen I was so lost but now i believe. Now I believe. Now I believe. Now I believe.

Hay cosas que me hacen TAN feliz.

I love life right now

2 comentarios:

Hibby dijo...

me hacés llorar.
da la casualidad que siempre es por algo bueno.
como esta vez.
me pusiste feliz con lo que me contaste :)

te amis ♥

Anónimo dijo...

mi amor.
estuve viendo las fotos en tu flog, y que hermoso que estás! no se por que te lo digo ahora si te lo dije siempre pero entre y dije "dios mio! mi bebé está precioso!" y lo estás. muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy precioso mi amor. te amo :D ahora te escribo un mail.
